Thursday, April 7, 2011

Smoke Break: The Meet and Greet

The below video is interesting, as it shows how blatantly smoke breaks are tools for conversation. Made by chatmattandrob, who have their own Web site, the video shows two men who are obviously not smokers lighting up with hopes of breaking the ice with a lady. They finish their first set of cigarettes, and go for another -- though one of them smokes two at once -- to prolong the experience and have more time. It seems to illustrate the fear that conversation would end should the smoking halt.

So what about you: would you go to this great a length just to talk to someone you hope to know?


  1. Is that the dude from Harold and Kumar? Haha. I think my favorite part was "Harry Potter, shut up." haha.
    Anyways, I think some people do use smoking as a social tool. In my experience, when I lived in Chicago I moved into the dorms. Besides my roommate, I did not know anyone! One of the easiest ways to meet people was down in front of the dorm, smoking. I ended up meeting a ton of people in my dorm and became a social butterfly! Well, not really but it did help me open up.

  2. I can see your argument. I suppose smoking can be use d as an ice-breaker its community forming and an almost "elusive" pass time. On a side note I have hear of some people picking up smoking just to get brakes at work.... just thought I would mention that.
