Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Meet Tyler

Tyler, a smoke hut regular, is the kind of guy that will talk about absolutely anything. Whether conversation revolves around the prospect of finding a dead baby inside a trash can, sexual innuendo or beastiality, he will chime in and add a bit of interesting commentary.
Often times, people will enter the hut with ear buds or headphones connected to mp3 players. Those are the ones who stop between classes and don't want to talk -- though it isn't uncommon for a bud to drop or headphone to slide to the side in order to listen in on whatever Tyler throws out for speculation.
Of course, the topics are mainly just for entertainment purposes; however they show the power of shock value and hilarity in what is typically obscenity.
While Tyler uses his conversationalist trait in the smoke hut often, he is also able to use it away from them, away from cigarettes, and away from people he has personal relationships with. Conversationalists can bring the very essence of the smoke hut with them anywhere and can successfully engage people in small talk of any nature -- a rarity in modern characteristics.

Appropriately, in the words of the late Hunter S. Thompson, he is "too weird to live, and too rare to die."


  1. I'm sure this is the only place on campus where people willingly talk to strangers.

  2. I tried to say hello to someone in the hut last week and was shunned! Perhaps you could talk about the rude hut visitors? :)

  3. The discussions in the hut will no be like it was anymore. General agreement is that we do not appreciate our discussions being posted all over the internet. Are you asking permission from the people before you are posting their names and information? Are you letting people know when you walk up that what they say might end up on here?

    Just a few questions that I feel I and others deserve an answer too.

    For information I am a smoker at IPFW and use the huts.

    Tom Brewer

  4. Tom --
    I am absolutely asking permission for names and information, and would gladly use an alias upon request. I am very open with people about the blog and all things written in it.
    Thank you for your concern though; I am happy to hear your input!

  5. This is a rip off of "smoke hut diaries" I think you are a classless person. And I know for a fact you never asked Micha if you could use his name or tell his story. Get a life and it's people like you that ruin the atmosphere of the hut!

  6. It is always good to see those smokers with headphones on take them off to engage in conversation with the other fellow smokers.

  7. @Nonofyourbusiness - "Smoke Hut Dairies" failed for a reason - it was classless. "Smoke Hut Happenings" is a different take on a similar issue. If it is that "classless" why are you trolling around on it anyway?

  8. @Silerbrew - If you don't appreciate people writing about your conversations than why have them in the first place? Public space isn't exactly the best place to be having a candid or confidential conversation now is it?

  9. @pjsberger... "Smoke Hut Diaries" didn't fail.. it stopped running because the author moved and left the university.

  10. pjsberger.... then you would also like the idea of never being able to talk without fear of what you say being posted all over the internet? Ya don't talk. Thats the answer. Great response from a communications major. btw I wouldn't say anything in public that i would want to keep confidential to begin with. I simply asked if she was getting permission to post names and letting people know that it might be posted. As a communications major, you should understand that.

  11. If 'Smoke Hut Diaries' was such a failure, why would someone want to imitate it? I'm flattered, I must say...but when it comes to writing something like this, it's the author's responsibility to take a tactful approach. For example, keeping people's names out of it. I always used an alias because let's face it...I would have pissed a lot of people off had I used their actual information. And as far as you going to the communicator and your professor for permission to re-write a 'failed' column, it probably would have been better on your part to seek the permission of the original creative source. I hope you have a very successful career in ripping off other people's ideas :)

  12. I'm just wondering why this is a point of contention. Has society devolved to the point that a short conversation is important enough to go off about? Also, what the hell have you people been talking about that you can't say anymore? Has she uncovered a secret society and must now be silenced? I can see it now: "Smoke Hut" by Dan Brown.

    Zak Seitz

    @Robin I kind of knew you in high school. I thought it was kind of lame to expand on your column, but then she told me it was just a blog for a class she was taking. I'm not sure why you would be upset, when she is just doing this for a grade. You seemed like a pretty reasonable person from what I gathered, so perhaps you could try being a little more civil.

  13. @Amber I was working for the paper at the time and I can assure you that the paper was considering cutting it. So yes I would say that it was "failing"

  14. @Silersbrew 1. I'm a Communication major not Communications.

    2. I'm not fighting you about this any longer

  15. @Robin,
    You're the original author of "diaries"?
    Oh my god I'll try to contain myself. You mean she didn't come to you for creative permission concerning what appears to be a perfect example of unparalleled inventiveness?
    You were most certainly robbed!

    Asking permission from anyone to use this concept was considerate. But, really, no one had to ask you, the communicator or anyone in order to start this blog.

    Honestly, if anything, you should be laughing at yourself for having begun a concept in "diaries" that has been reduced to a bs subject for an easy grade in a class.

    Obviously it didn't take off and now it's being taken advantage of. Fail.

  16. pjsberger,

    Don't get all high and mighty that you won some type of fight lol, I made a comment to the author of this blog, you were the one opening your mouth to me, If you didn't like my response then tough shit, I won't lose any sleep about it. You are nothing to me.
