Sunday, April 17, 2011

Want to be Remembered? Light Up.

Politicians have been known to go door-to-door to let voters know they're real people who care about connecting with communities. Those who do so are usually seen in a better light and can gain votes just because they took the time to talk. Likewise, national politicians have paid visits to small towns and reached hands out to regular Joes.
This past week on campus was Spring Fling, which consisted of a ton of free food and an outburst of student government campaigns.
Most of the candidates for various student government positions stayed near the food and voting areas, only talking to those who were already planning on voting. One, however, made his way to the smoke huts just to talk.
He carried his campaign fliers and a pack of cigarettes, just making conversation with those inside and letting them know a little about himself and the others running alongside him. He got shot down a few times by people who were dead set on not voting, but he gained a few supporters in his efforts as well.

In the social media age, many brand themselves by friending people on Facebook, creating an online presence or tweeting about their plans. Fliers are posted, food is given away and chalk is used to cover sidewalks in candidate names, but the way to really be remembered is to make others feel like they know you. You aren't just a name, a flier or a "friend" on Facebook, you're a real person. And you talk to the smokers in the huts.

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