Friday, March 18, 2011

Smoke Hut: The who and the what

IPFW bans smoking on campus except for in certain areas - parking lots and smoke huts. The commuter college has over 14,000 students enrolled, and many of those students who smoke end up casually conversing over their nicotine dosage between classes.
When smokers get together, the conversation usually revolves around the restrictions placed upon them, such as being limited to smoke huts or arriving on campus early enough to have the time to smoke prior to class. Though, the roughly 10 minutes it takes to burn through a cigarette can be enough to chat about the most interesting things.
This blog is going to be about those subjects and the people who bring them up. Whether it's two strangers working on flash cards together to calm their nerves pre-test, the number of times a day smoke hut regulars get asked to light a cigarette, creative ideas that get passed along or just random tidbits of information in between awkard small talk, the smoke hut happenings are now extending past the the carcinogen border and into the mind of any interested party.


  1. I like where you are going with this blog. The best conversations are when people are burning down because it brings everyone together in an activity that everyone enjoys.

    I'm sure you'll have plently of stories to share; Whenever I pass a 'smoke hut' there is almost always an unique conversation going on.

    Good luck and good day!

  2. One time I was talking to a friend in a smoke hut, and a guy came in dressed as a character from Where the Wild Things Are. The conversations I've eavesdropped on have been pretty interesting too. Almost makes me want to take up smoking...

  3. The smoke hut is where it is at. There are so many different characters that all huddle around in these smoke huts, It will be interesting to read about the characters you encounter!

  4. I think that the most active smoke hutt is the one next to Kettler. Smokers filled up the hutt itself and congregate to the surrounding picnic tables. You should check out that smoke hutt for a smoking gun story.

  5. I remember last year an editor for the A&E section of the newspaper had a column that was really similar to this, and a lot better I might add.

  6. Robin --
    It's no secret that the now-halted column is why I chose the topic for this blog, after approval from my class instructor and people from The Communicator.
    Thank you for reading!
